Beyond Multi-Dimensional Fee Markets
Presented at the Workshop on Blockchains and Decentralized Finance at EC ‘24.
Naveen Durvasula* and Maryam Bahrani*.
Smoothed Analysis of Online Non-parametric Auctions.
Presented at EC ‘23.
Naveen Durvasula, Manolis Zampetakis, and Nika Haghtalab.
Stochastic Minimum Vertex Cover in General Graphs: a 3/2-approximation.
Presented at STOC ‘23.
Mahsa Derakshan, Naveen Durvasula, and Nika Haghtalab.
Characterizing Anomalies with Explainable Classifiers.
Presented at the DistShift and DMML Workshops at NeurIPS ’22.
Naveen Durvasula, Valentine d’Hauteville, Keegan Hines, John Dickerson.
Forecasting Patient Outcomes in Kidney Exchange.
Presented at the Special Track on AI for Social Good at IJCAI ’22.
Naveen Durvasula, Aravind Srinivasan, and John Dickerson.
Recommending with Recommendations.
Presented at the Seventh Marketplace Innovation Workshop.
Naveen Durvasula, Franklyn Wang, Scott Duke Kominers.
A Bayesian Optimization Approach to Estimating Expected Match Time and Organ Quality in Kidney Exchange.
Presented at the AI for Public Health Workshop at ICLR ‘21.
Naveen Durvasula, Aravind Srinivasan, and John Dickerson.
A Muffin-Theorem Generator.
Presented at the 2018 Joint Mathematics Meetings of the AMS and MAA, FUN 2018, and G4G13
Guangiqi Cui, John Dickerson, Naveen Durvasula, William Gasarch, Erik Metz, Jacob Prinz, Naveen Raman, Daniel Smolyak, Sung Hyun Yoo (𝛼 − 𝛽).