Algorithms for Optimized Cooperation

I’m a second-year Ph.D student at Columbia University advised by Tim Roughgarden. I also work on mechanism design research at Ritual. Currently, my work centers around the economic analysis of blockchain/web3 systems. In the past, I’ve worked on problems that broadly span computer science, economics, optimization, and statistics.

I am very fortunate to have been advised by Aravind Srinivasan, John Dickerson, William Gasarch, Scott Duke Kominers, and Nika Haghtalab.

Some of my other interests include moving around (e.g. climbing, running, hiking, swimming, etc.) and food (e.g. cooking, bread-making, cool produce, etc.). Also check out OpenKPD, an open-source platform for kidney exchange simulation that I developed and currently maintain.

Feel free to reach out at nkd2126 [at] columbia [dot] edu.